Health Recognition

Our team exists to advance the culture of recognition throughout UCSF Health, by providing opportunities and tools for employees and managers to recognize each other for outstanding work and exemplifying our PRIDE Values.

Learn more about our Recognition Programs here


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Read more about our organization's mission, vision & values here.


Our mission — the reason we exist — is Caring, Healing, Teaching and Discovering.


Our vision — what we want to be — is to be the best provider of health care services, the best place to work and the best environment for teaching and research.


Our values statement — our guide to the individual and organizational behavior we expect — is embodied in the acronym PRIDE:

P for Professionalism, how we conduct ourselves and our business
R for Respect for our patients, families, ourselves and each other
I for Integrity, always doing the honest, right thing
D for Diversity, understanding and embracing the diverse beliefs, needs and expectations of our patients, community and employees
E for Excellence, what we strive for in everything we do


Did you know that there are over 100 healthcare-related recognitions throughout the year?

Don't wait, the time is always right to send your colleagues a digital card through the Recognize platform to let them know how much you appreciate them!